Monday, February 23, 2009

7:20 PM

Wassup, hope everyone out there is doing great today.

Aww, I'm diagnosed with runny nose, I feel that I might fall sick anytime.

My roster is packed, will be working for long hours[60.5 hours just for this week]. I don't really like the new system at my workplace, though cutting cost is a need but I feel that it is not appropriate to schedule those staffs on duty for longer hours. All in all, the system now is like...
Forget it.

Guys, I am going to share with you what I had found online over my off day. I bet many of you know what is Albino right? For those who don't; Albino a condition that cannot be "cured", but small things can be done to improve the quality of life for those affected. Most humans with albinism appear white or very pale.

But what's more interesting that, Albinism also happen on animals!

The following pictures are some examples;









The Most amazing, half albino and albino Peacock ;

See! Nature is so beautiful! Put this perspective to life, I feel that everyone is beautiful in their own ways. Fat or skinny, tall or short, hairy or smooth. We just need time to understand them within, love all your friends to the fullest!

Have a good week ahead!